The intention of this portion of my blog is to highlight folks in the field of music education and beyond who I look up to. I believe we need to take time to reflect on the amazing people who make an impact on us professionally and personally. This is a wall of homage to those who inspire me in a myriad of ways.
Dr. Rita Klinger was my dear friend, mentor and teacher. She lost her battle with cancer on April 5, 2012. She is missed tremendously by all of us whose lives were touched and changed by knowing her. Her memory lives on in her students and her presence is felt every time we stand in front of children to make music.
Dr. Klinger was Associate Professor and Coordinator of Music Education at Cleveland State University. A nationally recognized specialist in the Kodaly approach to music education, she held a Ph.D. in music education from the University of Washington. She was a pioneer in the tracing and collection of children’s playground songs, many of which became staples in her teaching. Dr. Klinger was also known for her work on multicultural issues and the incorporation of world music in the general music curriculum. Since 1982 she had been involved in the preparation and supervision of pre-service music educators in the California Bay Area, Seattle, and at Cleveland State University. Dr. Klinger authored chapters in two MENC Publications: Multicultural Perspectives in Music Education (1996) and World Music and Music Education: Facing the Issues (2002). She was also co-author of Field Guide to Student Teaching in Music Education (Clements/Klinger, 2010, Routledge Press). Dr. Klinger was also a program author for the Scott Foresman/Silver Burdett K-8 music textbook series Making Music. Dr. Klinger taught music in both public and private schools to pre-school through college age students and was a frequent presenter at state, regional, and national music education conferences.
Donations can still be made to the Rita Klinger Music Education Fund c/o The Cleveland State University Department of Music, Music and Communications, Bldg. 2121 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44115